Digital Photography


Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 23, 2011
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To capture an image such as this fox a long lens is required, probably a lens from 300mm to 5000mm. Generally a fixed focal length lens will give better image quality than a zoom lens.

The above image has been captured with a Nikon film camera.

There is a summary in these Nikon Lens Reviews of the range of Nikon telephoto  lenses available to assist in choosing a lens. It can be quite a chore as you need to consider the full range of photography subjects which you are going to undertake.

The Kite Surfer

Kite surfers are quite easy to photograph with a long lens as the sport is becoming quite popular.

A Nikon D2H camera and Nikon, Nikkor, 300mm f/4D IF-ED AF-S, Lens has been used.

A Beautiful Jaguar

This animal was photographed with a Nikon FM2 camera and 200mm telephoto lens. The image was digitally processed in Photoshop.