Digital Photography

Shooting in the Raw and a Beautiful Fairy

Posted in Photography by Geoff on December 19, 2008
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Digital cameras give you plenty of opportunity to improve your photography. Most digital cameras have settings to enable you to shoot in the raw mode, tiff mode or jpg mode. Shooting in the raw mode gives you a lot more opportunity to improve your images, corrections can be made to white balance, adjustments can be made to brightness and contrast to improve the dynamic range of the image. Shooting in raw mode retains all the original information captured by the cameras sensor. Shooting in tiff mode generally retains most of the image details but produces extremely large file sizes. Shooting in jpg mode compresses the image and some of the detail is lost. The image below of the beautiful fairy was taken with a Nikon D2H in raw mode, the Nikon 17-55mm lens was used at 55mm. This image was taken at Disneyland, Tokyo, Japan.