Digital Photography

Chasing Dragonflies

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 16, 2011
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Dragonflies are wonderful creatures. You see them darting from one place to another around ponds and water holes. They are so light and have huge wings compared to the weight of their body, they can dart from one place to another extremely rapidly, then they will hover in the one spot for a short time. In the image above the dragonfly was caught as it landed on the string of a tied up hessian bag.

The above image has been captured with a macro lens to enable me to get very close up to the insect.

Young children are generally amused and like to be associated with dragonflies, they will generally like to have some decorations in their rooms with things they love such as  Dragonfly Bedding or dragonfly cushions etc.

Myself as an adult also love dragonflies, I love to watch them as they dart around. I will chase them with a long lens while trying to capture a nice image with the camera. I have been fortunate to capture many images of these beautiful creatures.


This beautiful rose has been csaptured with a Nikon D2H camera using a Nikon 200mm Micro lens. This is a wonderfully sharp lens for close up macro photography. It is especially good for close ups of insects and other shy critters.


Posted in Photography by Geoff on February 24, 2009
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This spider was photographed with a Nikon D2H and 200mm Nikon Micro lens. The 200mm micro lens is an excellent lens for capturing insects.