Digital Photography

Beautiful Orchid

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on September 4, 2011
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A beautiful orchid such as this can be captured in many different ways, with a macro lens, extension tubes or supplementary close up lenses. The main thing to careful of is that you have sufficient depth of field and that there is no camera movement.

See the following pages for more information on suitable lenses and options for your photography.

Young Surfer

This young guy is off to the surf for some fun. I captured him with the Nikon, Nikkor, 300mm f/4D IF ED AF-S Lens this lens is excellent for this type of photography, as it is also very nice for nature photography.

For the above image I used a monopod to help prevent any camera movement

Casting The Net

This image has been captured at Bribie Island, Queensland using a Nikon D2H camera.

Nikon Nikkor 24-120mm f/4.0G ED VR Lens was used for this image. Where you are taking moving subjects such as this a zoom lens is very convenient.

Glasshouse Mountains

Here is a beautiful image of these mountains which do look like glasshouses. I love the sky in this image, to me it really adds to make the image something special.

The image has been captured with the Nikon D2H, an old camera as far as digital cameras go, but it is one of my favourites if you do not need high ISO, the Nikon 24-120mm zoom lens was also used.

The Nikon Nikkor 24-120mm f/4.0G ED VR Lens is a relatively new lens in the Nikon range but is great for convenience when travelling as it is quite compact and gives a nice zoom range.

The Kite Surfer

Kite surfers are quite easy to photograph with a long lens as the sport is becoming quite popular.

A Nikon D2H camera and Nikon, Nikkor, 300mm f/4D IF-ED AF-S, Lens has been used.

Bee On Flower

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on July 23, 2010
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A beautiful image of a flower captured with a bee seeking pollen. D2H camera with 200mm micro lens.


This beautiful rose has been csaptured with a Nikon D2H camera using a Nikon 200mm Micro lens. This is a wonderfully sharp lens for close up macro photography. It is especially good for close ups of insects and other shy critters.

A Color Co-ordinated Bug

This insect the Harlequin Bug (Dindymus ventralis) is very colorful and this one is even color co-ordinated against the flower it is on. Nikon D2H with 55mm micro lens.

Poppy in Pink

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on June 22, 2010
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This poppy image was captured with a Nikon D2H and 105mm Micro lens.


The emu is an extremely large flightless bird up to 2 metres tall. In fact it is the second largest bird in the World. This image was captured in a sanctuary. This bird was photographed with a Nikon D2H camera and 105mm lens.

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