Digital Photography

Tyrannosaurous Rex Dinosaurs

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 13, 2011
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This image has been photographed at the the New York Museum of Natural History, New York.

What a fearsome creature this animal must have been.

The word Tyranosaurous is said to mean tyrant lizard from the Greek language, with the Rex meaning the King in Latin.

This giant Beast lived throughout the West of Northern America with over 30 fossils being found.  This animal was a carnivore with a massive skull and a long, heavy tail.

Just looking at his jaw would scare anyone. It is thought that these animals would measure up to 12.9 metres, 42 feet in length and 4 metres, 13 feet tall and would weigh up to 7 metric tons.

Over 30 specimens of Tyrannosaurus Rex fossils have been found to date, some of which are complete skeletons.

These animals would be the most fearsome you could meet if they were around today, however many children are attracted to them with many childrens toys themed on dinosaurs.  Toys such as soft toys and Dinosaur Bedding are available to satisfy people and children with a love of Dinosaurs.