Digital Photography


Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 9, 2011
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Butterflies are beautiful creatures they come in many different colours and vary from quite tiny to very large insects.

Butterflies are amazing when you consider their life cycle, as they progress through several stages from eggs to the larvae, or caterpillar stage where they consume plants and leaves and spend practically the majority of their time in search of food. They then proceed to their most beautiful stage as butterflies.

Butterflies are vary appealing to kids, probably as they go through the transformation stage from the ugly caterpillar stage to the beautiful butterfly stage.

Once kids get interested in something like butterflies it is great to encourage this interest, by developing their life around the interest. This can be done by specific decorative themes in their room such as Butterfly Bedding or other objects such as cushions etc.


This beautiful rose has been csaptured with a Nikon D2H camera using a Nikon 200mm Micro lens. This is a wonderfully sharp lens for close up macro photography. It is especially good for close ups of insects and other shy critters.

Disney Princess – Beauty and the Beast

Belle and Beast from Disney's Beauty and the Beast

On a trip to Tokyo Disneyland during the Jubilation Parade, I captured this photo of Belle and Beast. I think the roses really frame the image well.

My daughter loves the  Disney Princessess  and she would love this made up into a Disney Princess bedding cover.

Windjana Gorge, Western Australia, Panorama

This panorama image was taken at the beautiful Windjana Gorge, in Western Australia. If you look very closely you may see a crocodile floating near the left side of the image. The image was taken with a Nikon D700 camera and 24-120mm lens at 24mm and stitched from several images in Photoshop.

Zojoji Temple, Tokyo

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 21, 2009
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The beautiful Zojoji Temple, Tokyo.

Image From Golden Pavillion, Kyoto, Japan

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on April 20, 2009
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Everything is golden about this place, simply beautiful. Nikon, 105mm Micro VR lens

Dancing Girl at Disneyland

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on February 15, 2009
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This beautiful dancing girl at Disneyland, Tokyo was photographed using a Nikon D2H with a Nikon 17-55mm zoom lens.