Digital Photography

A Beautiful Rainbow Bee-eater

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on December 1, 2011
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This Rainbow Bee-eater was taken with a 300mm lens with a Nikon D700. This length lens is excellent for subjects such as birds and other similar wildlife subjects, although for some smaller birds even longer lenses may be required.

There are excellent article and details for lens types for different applications and it can be quite important to your final image quality to get the lens selection correct to suit your subject matter.

Photographing Pelicans

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on October 11, 2011
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Generally pelicans are fairly easy to photograph because they are so large. For the image above I used a 300mm lens which is about the maximum required.

Generally a digital single lens reflex (DSLR) camera is better for birds such as this as what you see in the viewfinder is what you get and you actually see through the lens.

Excellent images can be captured even with a base level DSLR. There are various summaries of the Canon and Nikon cameras to enable informed selection. Also take care that your camera is steady when using long lenses.

A Spiders Web – Where Is The Spider

Spiders Web

At the first glance this does look like a spiders web, but in actual fact it is an exhibit at the  Currumbin, Swell Sculpture Festival.

I captured this image with the  Nikon D700 camera and the Nikon 24-120mm zoom lens, there are extensive reviews of this equipment at the All Digital Photography site where there are also many reviews and articles on general photography.

The 24-120mm lens is an excellent zoom for general travel and day to day use when you do not need an aperture less than f/4.

The Swell Sculpture Festival is  an excellent exhibition of arty sculpture and is staged along the Currumbin sea front with the beautiful backdrop of the ocean. Exhibitions such as this are excellent for  new photographic opportunities.

Beautiful Orchid

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on September 4, 2011
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A beautiful orchid such as this can be captured in many different ways, with a macro lens, extension tubes or supplementary close up lenses. The main thing to careful of is that you have sufficient depth of field and that there is no camera movement.

See the following pages for more information on suitable lenses and options for your photography.


Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on September 1, 2011
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Grass Hopper

Close up lenses are great for images such as this. Image captured with a Nikon D700 and Nikon 200mm Micro lens.


Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 23, 2011
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To capture an image such as this fox a long lens is required, probably a lens from 300mm to 5000mm. Generally a fixed focal length lens will give better image quality than a zoom lens.

The above image has been captured with a Nikon film camera.

There is a summary in these Nikon Lens Reviews of the range of Nikon telephoto  lenses available to assist in choosing a lens. It can be quite a chore as you need to consider the full range of photography subjects which you are going to undertake.

Chasing Dragonflies

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 16, 2011
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Dragonflies are wonderful creatures. You see them darting from one place to another around ponds and water holes. They are so light and have huge wings compared to the weight of their body, they can dart from one place to another extremely rapidly, then they will hover in the one spot for a short time. In the image above the dragonfly was caught as it landed on the string of a tied up hessian bag.

The above image has been captured with a macro lens to enable me to get very close up to the insect.

Young children are generally amused and like to be associated with dragonflies, they will generally like to have some decorations in their rooms with things they love such as  Dragonfly Bedding or dragonfly cushions etc.

Myself as an adult also love dragonflies, I love to watch them as they dart around. I will chase them with a long lens while trying to capture a nice image with the camera. I have been fortunate to capture many images of these beautiful creatures.

Tyrannosaurous Rex Dinosaurs

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 13, 2011
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This image has been photographed at the the New York Museum of Natural History, New York.

What a fearsome creature this animal must have been.

The word Tyranosaurous is said to mean tyrant lizard from the Greek language, with the Rex meaning the King in Latin.

This giant Beast lived throughout the West of Northern America with over 30 fossils being found.  This animal was a carnivore with a massive skull and a long, heavy tail.

Just looking at his jaw would scare anyone. It is thought that these animals would measure up to 12.9 metres, 42 feet in length and 4 metres, 13 feet tall and would weigh up to 7 metric tons.

Over 30 specimens of Tyrannosaurus Rex fossils have been found to date, some of which are complete skeletons.

These animals would be the most fearsome you could meet if they were around today, however many children are attracted to them with many childrens toys themed on dinosaurs.  Toys such as soft toys and Dinosaur Bedding are available to satisfy people and children with a love of Dinosaurs.


Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 9, 2011
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Butterflies are beautiful creatures they come in many different colours and vary from quite tiny to very large insects.

Butterflies are amazing when you consider their life cycle, as they progress through several stages from eggs to the larvae, or caterpillar stage where they consume plants and leaves and spend practically the majority of their time in search of food. They then proceed to their most beautiful stage as butterflies.

Butterflies are vary appealing to kids, probably as they go through the transformation stage from the ugly caterpillar stage to the beautiful butterfly stage.

Once kids get interested in something like butterflies it is great to encourage this interest, by developing their life around the interest. This can be done by specific decorative themes in their room such as Butterfly Bedding or other objects such as cushions etc.

Attracting Birds

Posted in digital photography,Photography by Geoff on May 7, 2011
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Attracting birds to your yard is quite easy.

This spotted dove frequents our garden all the time and has been captured with the Nikon, Nikkor, 300mm f/4D IF ED AF-S Lens the camera was set up on a tripod and the image taken by remote control.

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