Digital Photography

More, More, More Megapixels

Posted in digital photography,Photography,Uncategorized by Geoff on May 14, 2009
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Yes I now have more megapixels with the purchase of a Nikon D700. Are more pixels better, well time will tell, but the camera seems to perform at least as well as the D2H but gives greater room for cropping if required. Recently my son was married in Japan, Osaka and the photograper used a Nikon D700, I was very impressed with the files so I had to get one for myself.  This is the photographers blog site:

This image is of the lighthouse at Fingal Head in NSW, Australia and was taken with the Nikon D700 and 24-120mm VR lens, this lens appears to be a great travel lens and is nice and compact. The D700 camera is very compact compared to my D2H and will be great for my travelling.

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