Digital Photography

Amberley Air Show Image

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 5, 2008
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This is an image from the Amberley air show taken with the Nikon 300mm f/4 lens on a monopod.  This image was taken with a Nikon D2h, with this camera there is not very much room left for cropping, as the image is only 4MPixel. With many of the more recent cameras, 10MPixel or more, there is much more capability to crop the images. Irrespective of cropping, it is important to frame the image as well as you can.

One Response to 'Amberley Air Show Image'

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  1. stphoto said,

    You got the framing in this one just right. Love the colors, especially the deep blue backdrop you used. 🙂

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