Digital Photography

Poppy with Nikon 105mm Micro Lens

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 27, 2008
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This image of a poppy was taken with a Nikon 105mm Micro lens. The image was taken at f/4 and processed in Photoshop.

A Fairy at Disneyland, Tokyo, Japan – 17-55mm Lens

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 26, 2008
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This image of a fairy was taken at Disneyland, Japan, with the Nikon 17-55mm lens.

Daisy Flower – Nikon 105mm VR Lens

This image of the daisy flower has been enhanced by a slight increase in saturation and slight sharpening The image was taken with a Nikon D2H and 105mm VR lens.

How to Take Lightning Images

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 20, 2008
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Over the last week we have had many storms, together with plenty of thunder and lightning, I was thinking how good it would be to capture some lightning with the camera. I set the camera up on a tripod with a remote control cable to avoid any camera movement, the camera was focussed on an area where I was observing pleny of lightning and the shutter was held open for sufficient time to capture the lightning flashes. This is pretty much the same technique that I would use to capture fireworks, however the lightning happens much quicker and is less predictable in where it is going to occur.

The images below were both taken with a Nikon D2H with the 17-55mm lens. The first image was taken at f/6.3, 12 seconds and with the lens at 17mm. The second image was taken at f/6.3 at 15 seconds and the lens at 17mm. The camera was set up to implement long exposure noise reduction and the images were processed in Photoshop.


Fairy at Disneyland, Tokyo, Japan

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 20, 2008
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This image of a fairy at Disneyland, Tokyo, Japan was taken with a Nikon D2H and a 17-55mm lens at 55mm. The image was processed in Photoshop with a small amount of sharpening and an inctrease in saturation.

Poppy with Nikon 105mm VR Micro lens.

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 15, 2008
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This poppy was taken with a Nikon D2H camera and the 105mm VR Micro lens. The image was slightly sharpened in Photoshop and also a slight increase in saruration.

Daisy Flowers

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 12, 2008
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These daisy flowers were taken at the Toowoomba flower festival using a Nikon D2H and a Nikon 105mm Micro lens. There has been a slight increase in saturation.

Fairy at Disneyland, Tokyo, Japan

This image of a fairy taken at Disneyland, Japan, has been processed in Photoshop with a small amount of cropping, a slight increase in sharpness and some increase in color saturation. The original image was taken with a Nikon D2H camera and the 17-55mm f/2.8, DX lens at f/4.

F-111 at Amberley Air Show – Spectacular Dump and Burn

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 7, 2008
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This F-111 was captured at the Amberley air show doing a dump and burn, this is a most spectacular sight to see. The image was taken with a Nikon D2H and 300mm f/4.0 lens using a monopod. The image was processed in Photoshop and adjusted by cropping, saturation increase, sharpening and a slight curves adjustment to improve the image.

Amberley Air Show Image

Posted in Photography by Geoff on November 5, 2008
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This is an image from the Amberley air show taken with the Nikon 300mm f/4 lens on a monopod.  This image was taken with a Nikon D2h, with this camera there is not very much room left for cropping, as the image is only 4MPixel. With many of the more recent cameras, 10MPixel or more, there is much more capability to crop the images. Irrespective of cropping, it is important to frame the image as well as you can.

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